Maps and analysis of soils


Short term

Sustainability components

  • GHG emissions
  • Air quality
  • Soil
  • Water
  • Biodiversity
  • Animal welfare
  • Economic
  • Social
  • Technical feasibility

Climate risk region


Weather event addressed

Floods / Heavy rainfall
Very high temperatures / Heat wave
Intense frost / Late frost
Wind / storms

Farming system

All arable crops

Description of the measure

Maps of soils with information on structure and soil nutrients to allow a fertilization adjusted to the soil needs.

Comments on sustainability

Apply a plan of fertilization based on soils maps at plot level is very interesting in order to adjust the quantities and needs of fertilizars to the real needs of the crops. It may allow savings on fertilizers that may mean less GHG emissions, economic savingsand bertter soil confditions, eevn avoiding runoff losses. Technical assessment and farmers training are necessary.