No-tillage moderates excessive weather effects, such as extreme rainfalls and temperatures. With the surface residues protecting the surface against raindrop impact, runoff and erosion, rills and gullies don’t form. Residues minimize the high wind profiles from having an impact on the soil surface and significantly reduce wind erosion. And very subtle dampening of soil temperature variations often prevents freezing of overwintering plants. No-tillage seeding into standing residues has allowed successful winter wheat crops in far more northerly climates in the northern hemisphere than previously possible, with increased yields compared with spring-seeded crops.

Source: No-Tillage Seeding in Conservation Agriculture. 2nd edition. By C. J. Baker, K. E. Saxton, W. R. Ritchie, W. C. T. Chamen, D. C. Reicosky, M. F. S. Ribeiro, S. E. Justice and P. R. Hobbs. Rome and Wallingford, UK: FAO and CABI (2007), pp. 326

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