Grassland management


Corto plazo

Componentes de sostenibilidad

  • Emisiones GHG
  • Calidad del aire
  • Suelo
  • Agua
  • Biodiversidad
  • Bienestar animal
  • Económicas
  • Social
  • Viabilidad técnica

Región de riesgo climático


Evento climático

Inundaciones / Lluvia intensa
Temperaturas muy elevadas / Olas de calor
Heladas intensas / Heladas tardías
Viento / Tormentas

Sistema agrario

Dairy cows

Descripción de la medida

Planning the cutting and grazing times properly to react to varying weather and growing conditions

Comentarios sobre la sostenibilidad

Through the lengthening of the vegetation period and a higher risk for drought in summer and extreme weather events, there is a need to adapt the grassland management. The efficiency of the grassland can be increased by adapting the cutting and grazing times of the different grassland plots. It has positive effects on the fodder quality and therefore on the animal production and health.