Adapted insemination time point


Medio plazo

Componentes de sostenibilidad

  • Emisiones GHG
  • Calidad del aire
  • Suelo
  • Agua
  • Biodiversidad
  • Bienestar animal
  • Económicas
  • Social
  • Viabilidad técnica

Región de riesgo climático


Evento climático

Temperaturas muy elevadas / Olas de calor

Sistema agrario

Dairy cows

Descripción de la medida

Insemination after the hot summer months increases the insemination success

Comentarios sobre la sostenibilidad

The insemination success under heat stress is reduced, this can be avoided by insemination in the late summer. At the same time, after saisonal calving in spring, the grassland is very rich in energy and protein in spring. The supply with optimal food, supports the health and animal output. The adaptation possibilities in the barn and the conditions with the dairy company have to be checked.