Conversion to organic production


Largo plazo

Componentes de sostenibilidad

  • Emisiones GHG
  • Calidad del aire
  • Suelo
  • Agua
  • Biodiversidad
  • Bienestar animal
  • Económicas
  • Social
  • Viabilidad técnica

Región de riesgo climático


Evento climático

Inundaciones / Lluvia intensa
Temperaturas muy elevadas / Olas de calor
Heladas intensas / Heladas tardías
Viento / Tormentas

Sistema agrario

All crops

Descripción de la medida

Diverse crop rotation, legumes, no pesticides and mineral fertiliser use

Comentarios sobre la sostenibilidad

Organic production has positive effects on biodiversity, soil structure and water quality due to the diverse production system that includes legumes. No pesticides and less nutrients are washed into the ground/surface water (max. 2 Livestock units/ha). The GHG emissions per produced unit is mostly not improved due to the lower yields. After the conversion time, better market prices can be reached. Agricultural advice is recommended.