Piling up of soil
Medio plazo
Componentes de sostenibilidad
- Emisiones GHG
- Calidad del aire
- Suelo
- Agua
- Biodiversidad
- Bienestar animal
- Económicas
- Social
- Viabilidad técnica
Región de riesgo climático
Evento climático
Sistema agrario
Ridge plantings
Descripción de la medida
Reducing the erosion risk by piling up the soil in the rows
Comentarios sobre la sostenibilidad
Ridging of the soil horizontally to the main ridge in e.g. a potato field reduces the risk of soil erosion caused by heavy precipitations. The topsoil is kept on the field and the rainwater can infiltrate. This also prevents the run off of nutrients and pesticides. A further working step is necessary (fuel, working hour). For the special technique an investment and technical advice may be needed.