Careful soil cultivation
Jätkusuutlikkuse tegurid
- KHG emissioon
- Õhu kvaliteet
- Muld
- Vesi
- Bioloogiline mitmekesisus
- Loomade heaolu
- Majanduslik mõju
- Sotsiaalne mõju
- Tehniline rakendatavus
Kliimariski piirkond
Mandri Euroopa piirkond
Ilmastiku sündmus
Meetme kirjeldus
Driving on the field only under dry conditions when the soil is stable. Use of lighter machines / tractors.
Kommentaarid jätkusuutlikkuse kohta
A careful soil cultivation is very important to maintain the soil structure and to avoid soil compaction. Only an intact soil structure can lead to a good water infiltration and storage over a longer time. A good soil structure offers good conditions for soil organisms and therefore for soil biodiversity as well as ideal conditions for good yields. Furthermore, cultivating dry soils uses less petrol than cultivating heavy wet soils.