Fodder stocks and portioning



Jätkusuutlikkuse tegurid

  • KHG emissioon
  • Õhu kvaliteet
  • Muld
  • Vesi
  • Bioloogiline mitmekesisus
  • Loomade heaolu
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  • Sotsiaalne mõju
  • Tehniline rakendatavus

Kliimariski piirkond

Mandri Euroopa piirkond
Mandri Euroopa piirkond

Ilmastiku sündmus



Dairy cows

Meetme kirjeldus

Creating sufficient fodder stocks for years with low yields and small fodder stock units

Kommentaarid jätkusuutlikkuse kohta

Fodder from good years is stored as a reserve for years with low yields, e.g. years with long summer drought, very wet years. It is useful to have a fodder reserve of up to 20%. The investment in storage facilities is paid off in years with high fodder prices and low availability. A portioning into small units, such as silage bales or hay, help to overcome times of low fodder availability in summer without having the need to open a big silo.