Controlled traffic system
Jätkusuutlikkuse tegurid
- KHG emissioon
- Õhu kvaliteet
- Muld
- Vesi
- Bioloogiline mitmekesisus
- Loomade heaolu
- Majanduslik mõju
- Sotsiaalne mõju
- Tehniline rakendatavus
Kliimariski piirkond
Mandri Euroopa piirkond
Ilmastiku sündmus
All crops
Meetme kirjeldus
GPS-guided tractors always pass over the same lines in the field, leaving high soil porosity in the space in between.
Kommentaarid jätkusuutlikkuse kohta
Positive effect on GHG-Emissions less diesel has to be used. Positive effect on soil and biodiversity, as soil compaction is reduced and earthworms and other soil life is not disturbed except in the driving lines. If the system has to be bought, economic investment at the beginning is high. In the long term this is paid off through higher yields as root growth is favored and the soil water storing capacity is increased.