Locally placed fertiliser
Jätkusuutlikkuse tegurid
- KHG emissioon
- Õhu kvaliteet
- Muld
- Vesi
- Bioloogiline mitmekesisus
- Loomade heaolu
- Majanduslik mõju
- Sotsiaalne mõju
- Tehniline rakendatavus
Kliimariski piirkond
Mandri Euroopa piirkond
Ilmastiku sündmus
Spring and summer
All crops
Meetme kirjeldus
Locally applied fertiliser such as Cultan-Fertiliser ensures an efficient nutrition of the plants in dry regions
Kommentaarid jätkusuutlikkuse kohta
In dry years or regions, the locally applied fertilizer has the advantage that there is no need for water to dissolve the nitrogen. It is placed directly in the root zone. Less nitrogen is washed out, less ammonia is emitted and there is therefore no negative effect on flora and fauna. One challenge could be the investment in the technique or finding a suitable subcontractor.