Reach a reasonable treshold (ha/variety)
Jätkusuutlikkuse tegurid
- KHG emissioon
- Õhu kvaliteet
- Muld
- Vesi
- Bioloogiline mitmekesisus
- Loomade heaolu
- Majanduslik mõju
- Sotsiaalne mõju
- Tehniline rakendatavus
Kliimariski piirkond
Ilmastiku sündmus
Cereals, legumes, oilseeds, vegetables
Meetme kirjeldus
Optimum threshold of ha/variety at farm level for the same crop depending on plots' size and farmers practices
Kommentaarid jätkusuutlikkuse kohta
Ensure yields and economic profits avoiding climate stresses or at least diversifying the risks with the use of different varieties/ha at farm level for the same crop. It's demonstrated that climate stresses have different impacts on the different varieties. Though it may be necessary to invest in seeds and difficult to plan costs and sown, share resources in cooperatives or farmers unions could be a solution at social level.