Improving the barn cooling system

Mise en place

Moyen terme

Composantes de durabilité

  • Emissions de GES
  • Qualité de l'air
  • Sol
  • Eau
  • Biodiversité
  • Bien-être animal
  • Economie
  • Social
  • Faisabilité technique

Région à risque climatique


Stress climatique

Très haute température / Vague de chaleur

Système agricole


Description de la mesure

Improve the cooling system to reduce the barn temperature 3°C under the outside temperature

Commentaires sur la durabilité

To reduce the barn temperature under the outside temperature, cooling systems have to be implemented. Possible measures e.g.: air intake from the north side/from ground level, air intake along an irrigated brick wall, high pressure system with nebulisation. Cool barn temperatures reduce the ammonia emissions. Additional energy / water costs and xternal advice are necessary.