Adapted grazing management

Mise en place

Moyen terme

Composantes de durabilité

  • Emissions de GES
  • Qualité de l'air
  • Sol
  • Eau
  • Biodiversité
  • Bien-être animal
  • Economie
  • Social
  • Faisabilité technique

Région à risque climatique


Stress climatique


Système agricole

Dairy cows

Description de la mesure

Using wetter grazing sites during drought periods - No excessive use of dry grassland

Commentaires sur la durabilité

Increasing drought periods makes it necessary to optimize the grassland/grazing management. Dry grazing sites can`t be used as long as usual, so wetter sites should be provided. The dry sites shouldn`t be grazed too long or too short so that the grassland can recover again. Longer periods without grazing/cutting support the root growth.