Grain production autonomy
Mise en place
Moyen terme
Composantes de durabilité
- Emissions de GES
- Qualité de l'air
- Sol
- Eau
- Biodiversité
- Bien-être animal
- Economie
- Social
- Faisabilité technique
Région à risque climatique
Stress climatique
Spring and summer
Spring and summer
Système agricole
Description de la mesure
Increase grain autonomy for reduced dependency on feedstuff
Commentaires sur la durabilité
Grain autonomy is not as critical as fodder due to greater availability even in bad years. However, cereals are in most places easy to produce and a part of the crop rotation for dairy farms. Grain autonomy reduce feedstuff dependency. Diversification in grain production is also a part of the measure. This meausre can be difficult to achieve in some mountain areas in Atlantic Spain.