Increasing the life productivity

Mise en place

Moyen terme

Composantes de durabilité

  • Emissions de GES
  • Qualité de l'air
  • Sol
  • Eau
  • Biodiversité
  • Bien-être animal
  • Economie
  • Social
  • Faisabilité technique

Région à risque climatique


Stress climatique

Inondation / Pluie intense
Très haute température / Vague de chaleur
Froid intense / Froid tardif
Vent / Tempête

Système agricole

Dairy cows

Description de la mesure

If the life productivity of the cows is increased, less offspring is needed and therefore less fodder per kg milk.

Commentaires sur la durabilité

Climate change will lead to increasing yield fluctuations, also in the grassland production. For an optimal feed use, the life productivity of the cows has to be increased. This means that less breeding is necessary. Per produced kg milk the GHG-/ammonia emissions will decrease. This can be reached by optimizing the feeding and holding as well as tolerating a lower production rate per cow/year and by seeking professional advice.