Cultivation of diverse catch crop mixtures
Mise en place
Court terme
Composantes de durabilité
- Emissions de GES
- Qualité de l'air
- Sol
- Eau
- Biodiversité
- Bien-être animal
- Economie
- Social
- Faisabilité technique
Région à risque climatique
Stress climatique
Système agricole
All crops
Description de la mesure
The cultivation of a diverse catch crop mixtures after the harvest of a main crop protects the whole soil system
Commentaires sur la durabilité
A diverse catch crop mixture protects the soil from drying out, from too much heat and erosion. The plants absorb the nutrients the main crop has left in the soil so nutrient leaching can be avoided. At the same time, the plants store CO2, contribute to humus formation and a good soil structure by rooting in the soil. The plants improve the biodiversity on the field, especially when it is a diverse catch crop mixture. Seed costs could increase.