Cover soil with straw or stubble to avoid bare soils in summer
Mise en place
Moyen terme
Composantes de durabilité
- Emissions de GES
- Qualité de l'air
- Sol
- Eau
- Biodiversité
- Bien-être animal
- Economie
- Social
- Faisabilité technique
Région à risque climatique
Stress climatique
Système agricole
All arable crops
Description de la mesure
Leave the straw or stubble on the soil to avoid bare soil
Commentaires sur la durabilité
Favor CO2 retention. Improves soil structure, avoiding bare soil, water retention increases and evapotranspiration decrease. Decrease soil erosion (hydric and windy) protecting soil. The increase of organic matter in the soil favors biodiversity. Productions costs decrease saving time and needs of staff or labor hours.