Drip irrigation systems
Mise en place
Moyen terme
Composantes de durabilité
- Emissions de GES
- Qualité de l'air
- Sol
- Eau
- Biodiversité
- Bien-être animal
- Economie
- Social
- Faisabilité technique
Région à risque climatique
Stress climatique
Système agricole
Description de la mesure
Tubes buried a few cm (semi-buried; annually changed; standard )or up to 20 cm (buried; lasts 2-3 years;thicker)
Commentaires sur la durabilité
Water saving, avoids evapotranspiration. Very efficient if combined with tensiometric probes. Less irrigation needed. Optimized use of fertilizers. As the soil surface is not wet, no weeds grow and herbicides treatments are completely eliminated. May need investment, especially for buried tubing (not for semi-buried which uses the same thecnology)